I would like to convey my gratitude to the doctor of the MGKOC polyclinic To Danil Sergeevich Pozdnyakov for his always friendly attitude towards patients, his desire to listen attentively, understand a person's problem and try to help.
My opinion was formed from repeated visits to doctors and directly to Danil Sergeevich.
Thank you for your efforts!
I wish you good health and remain as attentive and good-natured in your profession.
I hope that the polyclinic administration sees this too!
Sincerely, Mikhail Ivanovich
Many thanks to the doctor with a capital letter Pozdnyakov Daniil Sergeevich. Very attentive, he listened to everything, explained everything in an accessible language and put it on the shelf. All the fear is gone. Thank you so much and good luck to you!
Minsk City Cancer Clinic is a terrible place, I will not wish the enemy to get there! Crowds of people, for such a large number of cancer patients, one medical institution in the whole of Minsk is clearly not enough, not to mention the shortage of doctors and junior medical staff. And with all this, rudeness and treating people like some kind of cattle at every step, no respect, no understanding, nothing human!
I was forced to go there for the removal of fibroadenoma of the breast. After several months of ordeal in Minsk hospitals, where they refused to take me because of the huge tumors by medical standards, I got to the head of the department of surgery Romanovskaya. She didn't even listen to me, almost kicked me out of the office with the words: "We do not operate on benign tumors, we suffocate from malignant ones. If there is cancer, then come."
On the recommendation of the surgeon of the 11th hospital, I went to the surgery, bypassing Romanovskaya. They also tried to get rid of me there, they sent me to paid medical centers and other hospitals. But I insisted, and by some miracle I was signed up for surgery by Vladimir Ivanovich Litokhin, head of the minimally invasive surgery department. As it turned out, this is a Man, a Doctor and a Professional with a capital letter. I admit, I was very afraid of this operation, but Vladimir Ivanovich turned out to be not only a surgeon, but also a psychologist (or maybe a psychiatrist, since he coped with such a hysterical woman like me, without shouting and threats, but only with kind words and a sense of humor).
The operation itself was performed on 10/25/2024, it took place under local anesthesia. I thought I was going to die of fear, but Vladimir Ivanovich and the nurses, Polina and Margarita, talked to me all the time, joked and encouraged me, Polina even held my hand! If someone had said that during the operation I would laugh and smile, and tears in my eyes would appear only at the very end because of the endless gratitude to the Doctor and the nurses, I would not have believed it!
Vladimir Ivanovich, a surgeon with golden hands and a kind heart, made cosmetic stitches, everything was fast, neat and beautiful. I bow low to you for your work and patience, Doctor!
I would like to wish Vladimir Ivanovich, Polina and Margarita and all the staff of the clinic, as well as their families and friends, good health, happiness and success! Thank you for having such wonderful doctors and nurses!
With deep gratitude, your former patient Natalia Yevtukhova.