The deputy chairman of the court N. ignored the provisions in the CPC RB, which describe the actions of the judge upon receipt of the appeal, about which the answer was written.
There is no abusive language in my appeal. Why do I need it?After all, the appeal itself, with its content, "blows to smithereens" the decision of the judge M. Leninsky district of Minsk.
As far as I know, professional judges take into account the different vocabulary of different people, see different ways for the parties to draw attention to their position, understand the mood of the offended party and calmly react to the above. And if they see abusive language, they simply indicate that on such and such a page there is the word "bench", which according to dictionaries is abusive and therefore should be replaced and 3 days are given for correction.
Thus, I completely disagree with the text of the response of the first Deputy chairman of the Minsk City Court N., who changed the norms of the CPC of the Republic of Belarus.
Why do judges of such high rank give answers of such content? Is this using the mechanism of the court for personal purposes?
Eureka! The Leninsky District Court of Minsk uses NON-procedural actions in court proceedings, the Minsk City Court welcomes the know-how!
What will the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus and the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Belarus say about this?
What will the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Belarus say if, in fact, the district court allowed itself to be rulemaking, ignoring the Civil Procedure Code?