I don't recommend this Fake store to anyone.
The prices are very high. The quality is like in a bazaar.
Sellers make a promise and do not fulfill it (they say that if you do not have enough, we will sell one piece at a time) they are actually lying.
I do not recommend this store to anyone.
There's a twitchy psycho on the phone, why specify the phone if you can't answer a couple of questions normally
See original · Русский
серик исмаилов
Level 9 Local Expert
December 24, 2023
The store is located on Baizak Batyr Street. A large selection of wallpapers and tiles. There are discounts on leftover items. There is only one sales consultant. A small parking lot for cars. Prices are higher than in the construction market. I wanted to take something to repair the apartment. Unfortunately, I found it in another store.