A very friendly salesman, well versed in televisions ... will advise or, conversely, dissuade you whether you need it or not. If he promises to call back when the goods arrive, he will definitely call back. From lack of income, there is not always a choice of large TVs
A wonderful store, a wonderful store, the prices are high. 🔥come buy TVs for 40 thousand tenge, speakers, microwaves, laptops, vacuum cleaners, irons, household appliances
Goods from China. Prices are three times lower than those of brands and there are not only televisions, the hostess is the same as the seller, everything is clear and understandable.Prosperity to you!
One of the franchises in Kazakhstan. A chain of stores across the country. A loyal price policy. Affordable prices. You can select hardware for any wallet. One bad thing: there are no guarantees...