Отличный пляж. Спокойно, бары есть но их немного. Никто не достает музыкой, сувенирами, коровами - ничем. Хочешь купайся, хочешь в баре сиди, хочешь запрись в отеле и глуши ром - тут можно делать все. Чтобы бюджетно поесть уходить нужно подальше от берега, в сторону города, там есть рынки, магазины и прочее. От аэропорта добираться лучше на такси или договариваться о телем - на автобусах потратите кучу нервов и времени.
Great sandy beach. Clean. Very gentle entrance to the water. It will be very comfortable for families with small children. There are many coastal cafes for every taste
I love North Goa.
I don't visit Morjim often, but there is a wonderful Tibetan Valley restaurant there - I advise you to visit and you can take a boat ride on the Chapora River.
A gorgeous beach, a beautiful and long entry into the sea!
Be tougher with beach vendors!))
Very persistent guys. If you are not going to buy anything from them, then do not ask the price for the sake of interest, they will just not leave you alone later!))
Russian village, the right name is Morjim!
There are many Russians.
The sunsets on the beaches are amazing!
A beautiful beach, very large and clean, where there are very few boring beach vendors with all kinds of souvenirs. Ideal for a family vacation, a romantic trip or a honeymoon-when you want to rest and get away
after the beaches of South Goa, this beach loses a lot in terms of greenery, colors, and privacy.
I saw mountains of garbage on the beach (not near the water, in the bushes).
However, the ocean is clean, very beautiful, the water is warm, there are few waves, the sunsets are gorgeous, very pleasant dense sand, a lot of cafes, very tasty in Sunrise, very cheap by my standards.
For me, there are a lot of people on the beach, but not noisy, there are few children, Indians, Russians in the majority.I recommend it only to those who want to save money on a trip to India, GOa.
Morjim beach in North Goa is not particularly beautiful due to the lack of vegetation, it is famous among the locals, of whom there are sooo many here early in the morning and closer to sunset, and in the Burger factory and Bora bora area there is also music hammering (who likes to listen to the sound of waves on the beach, but there is no toot toot, like I think these shacks won't do).
This is a very cool place! Shek "Wine and Fish" everything is very tasty! Separately, I would like to highlight a waiter named Prince - just a cannon-bomb man🔥🔥🔥
Great beach. Smooth, clean sand, a calm ocean in which you want to swim for hours
Some discomfort may be caused by the proximity of fishing boats and dogs running along the beach
Village. Sweet, wonderful and colorful in her own way. Not as wild and party-like as Baga Beach. Very good sea, beach. Pleasant prices for food. We lived for 2 weeks 100 meters from the water, we really liked it.
There is a paradise for lovers of outdoor activities and trance music, I still can't find such a place here, except that Kazantip and then it was closed
This is my soul. Every day spent there is like an elixir of longevity
If you rest, then only there.
You need to go there at least once to feel this charm.
The beach is for relaxation, there are always sun beds. Be careful with the sun - it shines incredibly, use sunscreen otherwise you will turn into a red ember, for 5-10 minutes, and under a canopy. Well, you will figure out cultural holidays easily and quickly. Enjoy your stay. The month is February.
Clean coast, clear sea, long and wide coastline! No cows! There are a lot of cafes. There are a lot of beach vendors, but the main thing is not to pay attention to them, then they quickly fall behind. A year later, the same place!
How long has Goa been measured by the number of cows??!!! Morjim is a wonderful place. For those people who clearly know that Ibiza is in a completely different direction))))
At the beginning of the season it is quiet and clean (on the beach), outside - India in all its glory. Kind people, there is little service, but is that why they go there?