I took accident-free driving for myself and my son here. I was very pleased with the lessons - and we learned a lot about safety and traveled on different motorcycles, including Harley and gold wing. Of course, the program was too intense, after 2-3 hours the brains refused to work and were like a squeezed lemon, which Dmitry often paid attention to, forgetting that it was as easy for him to ride a motorcycle as walking. But nevertheless, the training was interesting, useful and fun, and Dmitry passed on much more experience than I expected and I find his classes extremely useful.
To get A category, I chose the basic+ course. Part of this course was a counter-emergency intensive, where about 40 different exercises were studied for 20 total hours of practice. Overhangs/counterweights, U-turns in a confined space, braking, shifting without a clutch, riding in a rack, riding with a passenger and much more were studied. And besides these various practical exercises, a lot of theoretical knowledge was gained for safe driving. I was amazed at how many nuances you need to know and take into account to control a motorcycle, how deeply and clearly they were disassembled and given to us for such a relatively small price. I am very pleased with the choice of a motorcycle school and I advise everyone to come to Motohelp!
I was preparing for the practical exam, and also took a course of emergency training. The classes are dynamic, I have gained a lot of practical motorcycle driving skills in different situations. After passing the exam, I got the opportunity to ride various motorcycles available to the instructor. If, after completing the training, they trust motorcycles from ordinary to exclusive, this speaks volumes)
I am satisfied and I am sure that I will continue to visit to hone my driving skills.
Today is the day when I first went outside the perimeter of the site without fear and twitching. I opened the season on the site, closed the season in the city. On turns, on the sand, on the lane, in the general flow with cars, I clearly understood what I was doing. We tried to ride with the guys from this school in a small column, taking into account the nuances. And Dmitry himself can accompany for the first time.
I studied only at this school, I passed the exam the first time last weekend. I wouldn't be upset if I passed the second time, but I really wanted to from the first)
Now I look back, when I first came, I was such a kettle and I couldn't do without falling, and it hurt, and bruises, and I was ashamed)) You still need to keep honing what Dmitry teaches. It's cool that Motohelp has the opportunity to practice in winter.
Actually, to be honest, I didn't think I'd get so many opportunities. Where else can you travel here and now and feel out Harleys, Triumphs, Golda, just wow) I don't worry about anything at all on the premium course, I paid once and that's it. It suited me very well.
Off-road driving was avoided without falls and injuries only thanks to training in Motohelp.
There is a lot of communication and dating at school.
And girls keep in mind, after training you will lose weight)
Review of a motorcycle ride by a passenger
What about remembering your dream? Far away, from youth, pushed into the most forgotten corner of memory by many big and small events in life...
the dream of having your own motorcycle and riding it at high speed...
And at some point your dream comes back. And you start with a simple one: to look for someone who can give you a sense of speed and freedom. That's how I found MotoHelp and their gift certificate for a motorcycle ride by a passenger.
This is a completely different world, the world of people who are passionate about motorcycles. It is interesting to watch them, they speak in phrases, half of which I do not know, follow special rules, are passionate about honing driving skills, where girls, along with guys, perform tasks and exercises set by the instructor, demonstrating perseverance and determination.
After watching the MotoHelp video with the rules of the passenger's ride in advance, you no longer waste time on it, but learn skills on the playground, and then ...
Do you remember the motorcycles of real bikers from American films? Yes, it was such a motorhome that was at my service. Driven by a real professional, it will carry you through the streets of the capital and its surroundings. And even if they are familiar to you, I am sure that you will rediscover them, the sensations will be so new: a cool wind in your face, surprised glances from car drivers, loud music and a feeling of speed, freedom and happiness. How much is there from one event! All this is against the background of the comfort of the metal "horse" and confidence in its driver.
The fact is that with the completion of the trip, the feeling of happiness does not leave, it settles somewhere inside and waits in the wings to manifest itself again, in the future.
And what are you ready to do for a dream?
From the first lesson, the founder of this almshouse, Dmitry, begs for money, imposes additional classes, additional courses, asks to throw cash into the box for "donations". There are also questions about the adequacy of the latter, high-pitched conversations, poking, disrespectful attitude. No one passed from our group, the motorcycle was simply not configured, i.e. the settings were changed, idling, brakes, there was still no gasoline in the motorcycle and Dmitry made a claim to the cadets that allegedly we had to refuel it. But immediately after they failed, Dmitry invited them to paid additional classes. As far as I know, this is not the first case. If you want to go to this motorcycle school, think carefully, or do not pay immediately and see how everything is organized there through one place. And by the way, paperwork takes place through the ABC of driving, and their managers don't care about you, so you are decorated simply through a layer. I have never regretted my choice so much, it would be better if I drove 100 km to classes, but not here
He studied at school on a counter-accident course and exam preparation. I did not like it, firstly, I did not pass the exam 2 times in the traffic police, the result is negative at school they do not focus on passing the exam and the percentage of those who passed in groups is about 20-25% per course, keep in mind. A counter-accident course, a holop across Europe, you don't have time to remember and fix anything and you already have to ride on one leg on a motorcycle when you haven't even learned how to switch gears yet. In general, the problems with the training system and the attitude are also so-so on the site. I will retrain at another school
I chose the emergency intensive program. The entire database has been set up, all the nuances of management from scratch have been described and shown clearly. In addition to theory, there is a lot of live practice, a wide motorcycle park. Constantly on wheels, dismounting only at the end of classes
Excellent training, they teach you how to drive a motorcycle correctly. I've been riding for two seasons already, but here I've mastered a lot of new skills (both on low-capacity motorcycles and on large ones)
The level of this motorcycle school exceeds all expectations. It is in no way comparable to other motorcycle schools, not to mention a driving school, where you drive for only 45 minutes per hour, twice a week. This is clearly not enough to acquire driving skills.
Here you will be taught everything you need for a confident and safe ride on a motorcycle. You will ride a lot of different motorcycles, but as far as I know, only as part of the premium course. I have already ridden five non-training motorcycles with a volume of 600 to 1800 cubic meters.
Since I have chosen a premium course, I can attend classes without an appointment, even before the registration of the group in the traffic police. It is very comfortable. The duration of classes is usually at least two hours. All this time you spend on a motorcycle, practicing various driving techniques. They may not be necessary for passing the exam, but they will teach you to feel the motorcycle and not be afraid to perform standard and emergency techniques.
If finances allow, then it's worth it. I don't think anywhere else you will be provided with anything like this at this level.
Dmitry is a very nervous and aggressive teacher, you can study at least according to the basic + program, otherwise you will be sent to the ABC of driving +
be prepared for the fact that as part of the rollback of the exam program, you will be banned from using the front brake because it is expensive))
Вот и настало время отзыва)
Позади обучение по партнерской программе вместе с WestMotors
Хочу сказать спасибо за:
✓индивидуальный подход, удобное время занятий в вечернее время и до ночи;
✓теоретическую базу;
✓заезд на бордюр и съезд с него;
✓заезд на лестницу о_О;
✓спешивание в движении;
✓запуск мотоцикла “с толкача”;
✓работу в малом радиусе;
✓езду с вторым номером и вторым номером;
✓работу в стойке;
✓отработку "вылетевшей" передачи;
✓технику поднятия любого мото;
✓разъяснение как мыть мото чтобы не навредить;
✓хорошую видео базу;
✓возможность выехать в город на мопеде
✓возможность опробовать: спорт, круизеры (Harley-Davidson Road King, Yamaha XVS Drag Star, ...), мопеды, скутеры и даже Honda Gold Wing помимо учебных дорожных мотоциклов
✓сдачу в ГАИ на мотоциклах школы;
✓контр аварийную подготовку
И главное спасибо за спокойную и безопасную езду в городе и не только как результат обучения у Дмитрия motohelp.
I took a crash course, I learned everything quickly and well. They teach not only to take the exam in the traffic police, but also to drive correctly and safely.
A great place to start a motorcyclist's career. A course of emergency training - 300r, a one-time lesson on any motorcycle from the school's park 40r, getting really working tips is priceless!
Я учился на категорию А в другой школе и перед экзаменом гаи мой инструктор был в отпуске и он отправил на одно пред экзаменационное занятие в это замечательное место к Дмитрию.
Это одно занятие дало больше знаний чем весь курс в школе где я учился.
Дмитрий фанат своего дела.
Здесь научат понастоящему владеть мототеникой, от различных упражнений в статике до езды по лестнице.
И как правельно ухаживать за техникой тоже расскажут покажут и научат.
Обязательно сюда вернусь что бы познать больше.
They really teach you how to ride here! even with "experience" you will discover a lot of new and useful things
See original · Русский
ras_nerv неизвестно
Level 3 Local Expert
May 7
I think there is hardly a sufficient number of people for serious perception who need category A just for show. Most likely, at a conscious age, they go to school for knowledge and skills. Especially when it comes to safe operation. As far as I know, it is very common to provide assistance without obligations in working out four (well, if you take into account the support during the delivery of five) elements required by the traffic police. Yes, in general, there is such a thing in this school, but even in this case, no matter what success the cadet has gained during the chosen training program, they will not throw an unwanted kitten here. How much it costs is a matter of attitude to your comfort, and maybe even your health. Everything for safe driving skills is here, and it is taught efficiently and with attention to each cadet. Besides, all sorts of bonuses, like-- pull out of the loot.zhi, kebabs on the playground, intimate conversations, santabarbars, various rides, collective reflections and help in choosing the first motorcycle, etc. - relieve anxiety and give even more confidence in the skills acquired in the classroom. In general, the Team under the leadership of the Maestro lives and develops. This is very pleasing.
P.S. A beginner should not climb on CBR1000-at least one simpler season needs to be rolled back (sorry--this trip really impressed me))))))
Хорошая мотошкола, где инструктор не просто учит вас ездить на мотоцикле а делать это по технике и безопасно.
Большой выбор мотоциклов позволит попробовать разные модели что поможет с выбором своего первенца.
По моему мнению лучшая школа в минске!
Я до этого обучался в другой школе и закончив получается так и не сдал, и брал еще дополнительные занятия еще у одной школы и всё в пустую. Тут в сравнении я действительно увидел разницу и качество обучения. Я был крайне удивлен качеством подхода школы и Дмитрия в частности к своей работе! За 2 дня я научился чувствовать транспорт обсалютно иначе , мне поставили основы с нуля и все те ошибки которые мне мешали ездить правильно (в частности я боялся наклоняться с мотом, потому что падал или выставлял ногу) мне помогли преодолеть за очень быстрые сроки. И более того обучают тут не с позиции сдачи экзамена , а впервую очередь правильной езды на реальных дорогах и случаях , и доводят до автоматизма. Особенно заметно что школа учит ездить на разных видах транспорта , а не только на том что закупилось одной партией. Я за пару дней поездил на мопедах , скутерах , спортачах , городских, на тежелом 400кг полицейском моте и Голдвинге.
Отдельно меня очень порадовало и даже можно сказать удивило , что в отличии от других школ , эта школа имеет обширное мотосообщество , которое регулярно приезжает на площадку , общаются , делятся опытом с новичками, учат , помогают советами и шлифуют также свои навыки вместе с вами. Ну деляться жизнинным опытом , историями о прикличениях , если вам нужно с кем то обсудить вашу страсть к мототехнике))
Итого: школа оставила , невероятно хорошие впечатления о подходе к работе. Такого серьезного подхода к делу я в других местах не встречал. Если вы желаете стать частию мотомира , то вам впервую очередь сюда.
Крутая мотошкола. Учат не сдавать экзаменационную площадку, а именно управлять байком и чувствовать его. Боялся правых поворотов в наклоне-вылечили за 1 занятие). Большой мотопарк, разрешают покатать на больших байках при хороших результатах в обучении. Обязательно отправлю учиться сюда сына. Спасибо за отлично проведенное время в процессе обучения!
Level 8 Local Expert
September 27, 2021
Имею категорию А1, брал дополнительное занятие на площадке. Отличный инструктор, теорию объясняет понятно, указывает на ошибки при выполнении заданий. За 2 часа обучения стал намного увереннее ездить по городу. Наблюдал как обучают новичков- на 2 занятии они уже ездили очень уверенно. Школа имеет огромный мото парк, обучают именно вождению, а не только готовят к сдаче экзамена. Спасибо