One of the best car washes where I washed my car. The guys are doing great work quickly and efficiently. After washing, everything was wiped dry without any stains, the interior is perfect. No complaints, only positive emotions
Arrived by appointment at 17:00. I stopped at the car wash at 17:20. Moreover, he came up 2 times - these two times the cleaners stood and discussed some of their news, laughed. The work was going on, but it was very slow.
Washing my car: wash, dry, vacuum the interior and cover with the usual anti-rain. The cleaner constantly went out to his friend/comrade who arrived and printed/signed some documents. My washing time was 1 hour and 20 minutes. A friend / friend of the cleaner, when he was dealing with the documents, stood with a cigarette in the rest room, as I understood it, it's okay to smoke in front of clients. Well, they all took 52 rubles for this. Which I think is insanely expensive for this level. Thanks for the experience, I think it's good to visit such places sometimes to understand how not to do it