On June 18, 2024, I was traveling to Slonim, on the minibus number 7716
The driver does not know how to communicate with people, she asked to turn on the air conditioner, was silent for a couple of minutes, had to repeat it again, and then she says, I don't know how to tell you ... I can't stop in the city, It's strange how people can be dropped off near the subway, so it's possible! I said, we'll go out of town, I'll do everything, we've passed Cherkassy, I come up again, I say, please turn on the air conditioner, the hatch is fully open, it blows strongly, a small child is sitting next to it….He said that the air conditioner is partially broken and does not work, but the air conditioner only works near him, plus the window is open on his side. This is the first time I've seen the air conditioner work with the window open. What will it cool down if hot air is coming from the window. Then he started saying that he hadn't asked me to go with him... strange boorish behavior!
I do not know where the management looks when they hire such "cadres". Dear management, create normal conditions for comfortable trips for your passengers, fix the air conditioners. Another strange moment is that the driver does not give a receipt. The receipt must be issued as soon as the passenger has paid for the trip.
We were traveling from Minsk to Slonim with the driver Gulnik Anatoly Anatolyevich. During the entire trip around the city, not a single stop was announced, upon arrival at the final station, the driver entered the salon with the words, Girls, let's get out!,,
When we asked why the driver did not announce the station stop, he began to aggress, ignoring repeated requests not to yell at us and talk calmly. I switched to you, did not let you leave the salon arguing with the phrase, Don't you see? I'm talking,, . After we left the minibus, he began to arrange a circus with calls to someone, cursing loudly.
I really hope that at least a conversation will be held with the driver about this situation.
We drove from Minsk to Slonim in a 6139 Volkswagen Crafter car. 06/26.24 the heat is 30 degrees in the cabin there were 14 people including the driver. It is very doubtful that the air conditioner does not work in such a car. There is nothing to breathe, the hatch is open and the window is slightly ajar. What do people pay money for? How can 14 people in 30 degrees survive a trip in 3 hours.? Disgusting attitude towards people. When asked by one passenger, the driver replied that there was something blowing somewhere. It's good that no one got sick.
We were driving on October 13 at 7:00 on a minibus and the driver did not even come out to put the suitcase in the trunk, as a result, they put the suitcase themselves, and while driving it fell and rolled around the cabin, I had to get up and put it in the trunk on my own again, but at the exit I already noticed that it was badly scratched and the new cover was torn, which was not so damaged even at the airport. It is very felt that “Mroyatur” does not feel competition and behaves like this👎🏼
On July 20, we were traveling in the 77-22 minibus. The driver was very rude to the passengers. The hatch was open for ventilation, but some passengers were cold, and the hatch was closed, and the driver shouted that the hatch had been touched. Rudely answered questions about stops...
I was driving today on 09/15/2024, minibus number 0809, Minsk Slonim . The driver DIDN'T EVEN wait for me to get in, he drove off, and I had a heavy backpack in my hands. The bus was all busy, and I stood in the aisle and waited for the woman to remove her things from the consolidated seat (also with a very unhappy face).
Feedback from Elena: "I want to express my gratitude to the operator of Mroya Tour, Zhanna, for her prompt response, attentiveness, and indifference to customer requests."
Disgusting! There is no air conditioning in the car. We went with my wife for 50 rubles. There's nothing to breathe, it's hot in the car, everyone arrived wet. Awful. Price in this case does not = quality!
The service leaves much to be desired. Drivers are often rude, and the operators haven't gone far either. In minibuses, the seats are broken, then the air conditioning. In summer, you can die from the heat, and in winter from the cold.Terrible attitude towards customers, considering that the cost of the trip is not cheap.
On November 28, 2023, I wanted to book a minibus from Minsk for December 30. They informed me that they do not make reservations so early, call on December 16. But on December 16, I find out that everything has already been booked. P.S. a lot of rude drivers.
Добрый день.хочу еще раз сказать БОЛЬШОЕ Спасибо!!девушкам-операторам которые 24 июня при изначальном отсутствии свободных мест.все же нашли возможность и подходящее для нас время.чтоб мы вернулись из Минска в Слоним.Спасибо за терпение и внимание.Процветания вам и вашей компании!!!
Человеческие качества водителей очень хорошие, но хотелось бы чтобы останавливались во время пути! А вот деспетчера оставляют желать лучшего! Не знаю имен! Одна просто не возможно разговаривать, как будто я прошу лично её приехать лично за мной на конец света! НО вторая девочка да, приятно общаться, спасибо ей за хорошую работу! А вообще оценка средняя!
Ехала на маршрутке Слоним-Минск 2 февраля номер маршрутки 4454, салон автомобиля крайне неудобный , сидения сломаны(передо мной сидел человек со сломанным сидением, спинка его сидения чуть ли не лежала на мне) под ногами вообще лежало запасное колесо, ноги поставить некуда пришлось ставить на ступеньку, сервис совсем не оправдывает своей стоимости(16 р) в маршруте было невыносимо жарко, нельзя оплатить картой или онлайн. Прошу обратить внимание на данные проблемы и решить их, .
Очень довольна поездками на маршрутке Слоним - Минск. Водители разумные, доброжелательны и всегда идут на встречу в просьба. Вчера ехала из Жировичи на 15-30 в Минск. Благодарю водителя за его старание. Успела вовремя на поезд.
Здравствуйте! Я хочу оставить отзыв, а проще говоря, возмутиться работой водителя по маршруту Минск-Слоним 23 августа 2022г.Отправление с а/в Центральный в 11.40. Номер машины 4TAX5858. Во время движения водитель постоянно (не прерываясь) пользовался телефоном: читал, писал, листал ленту. Руль поддерживая при этом или одной рукой или локтем. Голова опущена на экран телефона. Когда заметивший это пассажир сделал ему замечание и попросил не пользоваться телефоном за рулем, водитель нагрубил в ответ
Хотелось бы вай Фай не запароленный . И остановку желательно делать , для того чтобы люди могли выйти хотя бы в туалет . А не через всю маршрутку орать остановите .
Особенно не удобно, когда едешь с детьми .
Никогда никаких проблем не возникало. Водители очень вежливые, сумки поднесут, в маршрутку поставят. Где нужно остановядися, куда нужно отвезут (Слоним).👍за день до поездки звонят либо рассылают смс, что очень удобно.
Неоправданно завышеная цена,на амортизацию отчисления гараздо меньше у других компаний, курсирующих не по маршруту Минск-Слоним. К примеру Минск - Солигорск (всего 6 рублей,а едут не по олимпийке,хотя и расстояния отличаются всего на ~ 20км. Включая удобство салона и комфорта всего автопарка.
Отличный перевозчик. Т.к. в Слониме плохо организовано железнодорожное сообщение с Минском, "Мроя Тур "является одним из лучших перевозчиков в Слониме.