10 /12/2024 clio 4 is heavy on its date and I left my broker at the service to do periodic maintenance, they told me I could get it the next day, when I left the next day, they said my broker was not done due to a power outage, they would deliver it to the day symptoms 2 days later I bought my car, they added antifreeze when I came home, antifreeze, the place with engine water was empty, when I called, I added the following, I think they should not normally do this, then I took it back to the service, there was a sound like a trakrkror sound in the bidet vehicle, I took apricots again we changed it, I picked it up again, but the sound in the car was going on again. Then Mr. Dilaver, it's not for us, it's in your car. In a way, it was my fault that they didn't write the excuses they used themselves. They tried to assign the blame on me, I was not comfortable with it again, I took it to my master outside, and when he opened the vehicle, I saw that the belt was attached awry. I have the files, Bosch. I will also complain to the consumer arbitration committee to the service, and then I will complain that the pollen fitre written on the list has never been fixed at the price they wrote of 270 TL. I saw that the air filter had been installed differently Bosch service change brands had been installed, then when I called, bring the car, we'll Decode it, I took it, they changed the pollen belt, 3 days have passed, the same sound started to sound again, the purpose of writing this is to change the apricots, but the turnover pump they installed the same again, I don't want to deliver my car to the same place, and the reason I wrote this here is that we gave a lot of money, didn't stop behind, I experienced this situation, I don't want you to live in