Ржаной хлеб ручной работы с острова муху. ржаной хлеб с фундуком
Ингредиенты: мука ржаная (из них 50% мука цельнозерновая), вода, сахар-сырец демерара, фундук 10%, солод ржаной молотый, соль морская. Изготовлено из ферментированной закваски, без добавления дрожжей. Встречайте самый освежающий летний вариант от ...
An incredible and natural bread. I decided a while ago to completely avoid bread from my diet due to low quality flours and my body's response to it. But here for the first time in my life I tried real rye bread, and my stomach didn't protest against it, but felt good and pleased.
We had also a beautiful conversation with the seller, who told me all the details of how the high quality rye flour is brought from Estonia, how it's made with natural sourdough etc.
They have also high quality grains, which are being grown in hight altitude lands in Armenia without using chemicals.
So, I strongly recommend their products.
We need more eco businesses like theirs.
A very cool atmospheric bakery, the employees are sweet, the pastries are top class, the ingredients are from Estonia. The muffin is a bomb, the snacks are flying.
they work from 10 to 20 and have a convenient location