When planning a trip to Uzbekistan, visiting this museum was one of the priorities, despite the remoteness. Before leaving Samarkand, we called the museum, and Usto Abdullo himself answered the phone. We agreed on an excursion, the location was reset for us and we set off. As it turned out later, Usto Abdullo and all his household were busy preparing for the visit of the Uzbek leadership. Despite this, they gave us time, conducted a tour and gave us tea! There is an atmosphere of creativity based on strict adherence to the traditions of production, and genuine Uzbek hospitality!
Minus: Yandex Maps shows the incorrect location of the museum, and the travel time from Samarkand to Gijduvan is indicated without taking into account the actual traffic situation -instead of 3.30 hours, as indicated at the beginning of the trip, the travel time was 4.50.
A storm of positive emotions! The owner of the ceramic workshop is a man with a capital letter. Interestingly, he told about the traditions of pottery, embroidery, and weaving skills. He gave me tea.
I recommend visiting