SCAMMERS AND SCAMMERS!!! Be careful. The first review was undoubtedly written by them. In fact, it's a complete divorce. They come, draw up a fake contract, take an advance payment of 50-70%, in fact, no one is going to do anything. There are FOUR orders in the work!!! months. They talk complete nonsense on the phone, frankly they don't send it, but they talk complete nonsense, clearly confused about who they promised what to. If you want to save money and time, pass by!
I ordered the kitchen a month ago. Everything was done on time, efficiently, and what pleased me the most was that the check-out, delivery and installation are free of charge. my wife and I were very pleased, now we will order only from them.
Scammers .!!!! I got caught too, I've been waiting for 3 months. And we also found more of the same people who ordered from him.(there are 6 of us in total ) now we are collectively trying to figure it out. We went to the production ... as a result, there are not even materials for our kitchen!! I told you a month ago that it was ready and they would install it for me tomorrow