Фаршированный дунганский перец, обжаренный в кляре. Цена указана с учетом одноразовой посуды
59000 сўм500 g
Салат из гречневой фунчозы с овощами и говядиной. Цена указана с учетом одноразовой посуды
54000 сўм300 g
Кимчи тиге
Острый суп из кимчи с говядиной
66000 сўм700 g
Холодное кукси c яичным блином, огурцами, помидором, капустой и говяжьим мясом, с добавлением укропа и кунжута, лапша у нас слипается после извлечения из воды после варки, при упаковке в тару, лапша всегда свежесваренная, рекомендация добавить мури в
50000 сўм800 g
Кукси на говяжьем бульоне
Кукси подается в горячем виде
50000 сўм800 g
Дольсот Пибимпаб
Блюдо состоит из риса, заправленного кунжутным маслом. Из нескольких видов корейских овощных салатов, которые накладываются на рис сверху. Также в блюдо входит кусочки говяжьего мяса с добавлением специального острого соуса. К блюду отдельно подается
We were pleasantly surprised in terms of gastronomy from visiting this place! Like any delicious place in Tashkent, this place is not in the center. It is located in a large quiet courtyard, tables on the street, there is an opportunity indoors. The choice of dishes is very large, there are dishes for several people. We ordered one of these. There is a draft beer. And moti was wonderful! It is a pity that there was no opportunity to return yet, as they were leaving the next day.
The establishment has parking, which is convenient. The establishment is large and has verandas and halls inside. The tables are clean and everything is bright. There are very comfortable chairs and a Playground in the hall, which gives parents the opportunity to relax from their children. The food is delicious and satisfying, the portion sizes and their price correspond to the popularity of the institution. The better the establishments, the smaller the portions and the higher the price))) The waiter did his job 100%, as did the chefs.
The only big disadvantage is the 15% service charge. You have no right to write this as a separate position, it is a formal theft. If you want to raise prices, then add this 15%.
Food 100%
The staff is 100%
Hidden payments 0%