This is the best pet store! The seller will help and tell you what is better! The prices are very low! The assortment is huge. My eyes were running away from the sunbeds. My puppy was delighted, everyone loved him, ceramic bowls are something. They will always help with advice. The variety of the store is amazing, a large selection of animals. And there are fresh flowers. Thank you for your hard work and the store!
Great store! There is always a wide range of goods, there is delivery. There are also very friendly and courteous sellers who will always advise and help you make a choice)
An excellent store, a chic selection of scratching posts and sun beds, the girl Anastasia will always advise and help with the choice, the prices are pleasantly pleasing, thank you 🥰
A good pet store, there is everything you need for our younger brothers. Everything is fine: the price, the quality of the goods and the courtesy of the seller. If you don't live close by, I recommend this pet store.