Myra of Lycia. 6th-5th century BC. I know very little about this civilization. The amphitheater is perfectly preserved (although it was discovered accidentally in the last century under layers of mud after the powerful floods of the Mira River). The influence of Ancient Greece or even Ancient Rome. There was even an unconfirmed version of gladiatorial combat. Two Lycian necropolises right in the rocks. Depending on the status. The higher you go, the closer you get to heaven, to the Gods. Earthquakes, floods, conquest, and the demise of civilization.
This is certainly not Petra in Jordan, but it is a very interesting object. Still, it's hard to imagine how ancient unknown builders performed this work. What kind of tools were used, what kind of equipment were used to cut down these niches/caves in the rock? And most importantly, for what purposes? It is difficult for a modern person to imagine this.