Свежеиспеченный хлеб мы обжариваем до хрустящей корочки в хоспере и выкладываем на него угорь горячего копчения под обожженным соусом унаги со сливочной страчателлой. Хлеб, угорь, соус унаги, страчателла, лук-сибулет, масло трюфельное
1050 ₽230 g
Брускетты с тартаром из говядины и пармезаном
Свежеиспеченный хлеб мы обжариваем до хрустящей корочки в хоспере и выкладываем на него тартар говядины воссозданный по классической рецептуре с двумя видами горчицы, табаско, яичным желтком и муссом из сливок соединенных с пармезаном. Основа (хлеб и
If you are going for a meal I would advise not to, as their food quality is very average. Drinks (but limited choices) and dessert is good. Service team is also ok but sometimes need to wait a lot to get their attention. It’s a great venue specially in summer time with there out door spaces but food really need an improvement
Good cocktails in a cozy place
The restaurant is located in the mansion. First floor is a bar with signature cocktails, second floor is a restaurant with wine card and reduced number of cocktails compared to bar :) but there are good ones. A menu is rather good, it consists of different appetizers, tasty and nutritious main dishes and desserts. Nice and simple interior. And I want to highlight, that it’s actually a good idea to start your evening in the restaurant and continue it in the bar on the first floor.
Close to the metro station, there is a city parking nearby as well. Btw, there is a nice summer terrace - good place to spend warm summer evening with friends.
Food was decent, but service was very slow, we had to re ask for everything, our bottle of wine was oppened incorrectly. And at the end I received a horrible tonik/basil drink :////