nafis med servisni shifokorlariga emas padvalidagi massajchiga ishimiz tushib borganmiz. asosan bolalarni massaj qiladila 1 yildan koproq boldi borayotganimizga. Natija oldik. gidromassaj massaj parafen elektrofarez qilishadi. xushmuomala ayol massajchi opa. narxlari ham qimmat emas
Super thanks a lot to the doctors and the medical staff. Everything is clean and cozy, immediately examined, diagnosed and prescribed treatment. I thank Komiljon for the competent appointment
Competent specialists, comprehensive services (for example, while the mother is at the cosmetologist, the father is at the doctor, the child is dancing downstairs in the gym or in robotics courses, even an ENT is available, the pharmacy is also there) reasonable prices!