Generally a good store, everything is there. There's a lot of variety, you come for one, and you leave with all sorts of stuff, even the one you didn't think about
The necessary products are always available. The semi-finished products are excellent. The sellers are attentive and polite. The product in Nakhodka is fresh. I recommend.
A wide range of food products , prices depend on needs , the staff is friendly , the location is convenient , open until 20:00
Service of SSGPO employees using bonus cards.
We used to go there often, now we don't go due to the presence of other shops closer to home.
But the store was normal, now I think that the same thing is good.
Such a store...the staff is rude, they are always, constantly, forever somewhere, just not in place, whenever they come, they always eat..I run in every day just because it's the nearest bakery store, by the way, it's very good!
The store is good but cramped, they won't turn around. The sellers are polite, the products are normal, the prices are reasonable, I think three stars is a decent rating. They will expand...
I will add a couple of stars.