В услугу по установке гранитного памятника входит:
• Бесплатная консультация с выездом на место или по видео
• Согласование с администрацией кладбища
• Закупка материалов и доставка на кладбище вместе с памятником
• Уборка после работы, вывоз мусора
520 Br
Одиночный памятник
Стандартный набор одиночного памятника включает стелу с подставкой, цоколь, надгробную плиту. Установка включает благоустройство тротуарной плиткой. Стоимость будет колебаться в зависимости от выбранного гранита.
500 Br
Ремонт памятников и благоустройство
Поможем навести порядок на кладбище:
-демонтировать и установить новый памятник
-обновить внешний вид, отполировать, восстановить фото и надпись
-выровнять и поднять уровень могилы
-залить новый фундамент
-сделать цветник, засыпку гравием.
I would like to express my gratitude to Arthur and his team for the efficiency and quality of the work done.After a complete disassembly and cleaning of the complex and its installation in place.....everything is tidy, neat, no garbage, no nearby graves are touched....How nice it is now to come to the cemetery to a loved one...Thank you so much again...You guys are the best!!!
After several years of unsuccessful attempts to cooperate with several local companies that did not fulfill their obligations, I finally found responsible and proactive people who know what they are doing. Everything is clear, respectful, in the shortest possible time, which other companies have designated as "impossible". The communication was impeccable, no reminders or unnecessary movements on my part were required. The result even exceeded expectations. Just thanks to Arthur and the team for their work!
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Arthur and all the members of his team who completed the order efficiently and on time.Sensible advice and sound advice also turned out to be useful.I recommend it!A very serious approach to work and respect for the customer.These are real professionals.