A neat, clean room. Sellers walk on their heels (it's not very comfortable when they look over their shoulder). The assortment is large, women's homewear, men's T-shirts and shorts, many children's options. Good quality knitwear. You can pay by card, but with a commission. Most of the items of brands such as Modis, Cherubino, Ash, etc.
The store is located in a top location. The assortment is rich, the product is of high quality, you can choose everything for both children and adults. There used to be discounts. Prices are above average for knitwear
We went to this store to buy knitwear of local, Tashkent manufacture. A relatively wide selection of clothes for different ages. From infants and older. I bought new clothes for the children.
I was looking for clothes in the colors of the local color, but I didn't find them. The only thing that was in, a la local motives, was the package in which I put my purchases.)))
Although I may have searched badly.
A very dubious store.
If you want to dress a girl in the same type of thin clothes, then you are here.
There is almost nothing on the 0-3 boy. Not enough warm clothes. A small choice for a store of this size
An excellent knitwear store and not only clothes, socks, towels and bed linen are also available. The prices are affordable, there are original prints on T-shirts in the national style. Women's, children's and men's clothing. In the men's department, jeans and shirts are sold past knitwear. I really like