In general, I do not recommend investments in Georgia and Batumi in particular.
Next company does not fulfill its obligations, even those stipulated in the contract, for example, the contract specifies plumbing - standard Italy and Germany, supplied cheap Turkey... It is also the second year that furniture has been brought to the balcony and a number of other items that have been paid for. No one will give you time for anything here... The completion dates were moved countless times, eventually completed 2 years later, and then only in theory (you can live), but not officially yet, because there are a number of shortcomings that they will eliminate forever.
They will also try to deceive you in every possible way at every step - for example, I paid for EVERYTHING TURNKEY - six months later the manager writes and says we need to pay $ 3,000 extra for heating (boiler + radiators), naturally a scandal was raised, as a result, $ 3,000 was changed to GEL 3,000, allegedly the manager agreed with the management for a discount... But, as it turned out, after a year and a half in the office, Next, the price of 3,000 lari for all residents was always there, in such a clever way the manager wanted to take the difference for himself ...
I will sell my property and more, not a foot in this "beautiful and honest" country...
When buying the apartment, everything was fine, very attentive manager Fedor, quickly and clearly executed the transaction, but then completely ignored, messages were not answered, phone calls were also very disappointed. There is no post-sale support!