Of the advantages, it is there.
Everything else is cons. I wanted to change my car from one disk to another. For a long time I tried to persuade the masters to come out to do it, when they agreed to come out, they looked at my discs and said they would not do it, they say the discs are bad. On the other side, they changed their shoes without any problems. On this one, some lazy hard workers, probably on a day trip.
Переобулся на новую резину в конце декабря.Через недели три пробил колесо.Результат:сломан болонник,заломан болт,пол дня стояние на трассе,пока искалключ.Вывод:пережаты болты.А теперь решайте сами ехать к такому мастеру или нет.