New Medical Service is a large, multidisciplinary, private New Medical Service clinic with modern equipment for diagnosis, treatment, with the participation of highly qualified medical personnel. It is located at Tashkent 19-block, intersection of Dekhonobod and TKAD streets, Yunusabad district.
Clinic for the following profiles:
cardiologist (tridmil,holter)
► neurologist (EEG,TMS device)
► gynecologist (colposcopy)
► cosmetologist
► Endocrinologist
► therapist (hydrocolon)
► virologist
► hepatologist
► pulmonologist
► urologist
✔️ there is also a polyclinic: ultrasound, (Doppler of blood vessels, heart and all organs)
✔️laboratory: UAC, blood biochemistry, coagulogram, OAM, ELISA studies.