There are 7 offices , 1 person was served in two hours of waiting , ((( 3 people were sitting in the corridor , a man came in from the street at 15.00 he was told sorry we won't have time to serve you a working day before 18.00
Sorry for the set of words, it's already painful.Gborisov came to Belarus in connection with the death of her mother. I had to get a birth certificate to go to Russia to prove that I was her daughter. It came, but the term of inheritance has ended. I am calling from Russia to the notary at all the numbers that are at the address. It is impossible to get through. There are beeps and silence. It's too much to go empty again to be sent back for some paper. How can I get through to the notary? Can you tell me the current phone number of the notary??? Please
Gusakova Tatyana Sergeevna, Belarusian Marya Dmitrievna, Khayetsky Alexander Alexandrovich are very good lawyers, I practiced with them. They understand people and approach issues scrupulously. I was present at their dispute resolution — very good specialists!