Notary services:ownership for a share in the common property, witnessing signatures, marriage contracts, license agreements, adoption of closed will, inheritance certificates, executive inscriptions on debt collection and foreclosure of the mortgaged property, transfering application of individual and legal entity to another person or legal person, conservation of evidence, testimony of copies fidelity, certificates of attorney, inquiry direction to individuals or legal entities, issuance of certificates, issuance documents duplicates, public consultation, protecting inheritance property, real estate transactions
I would like to express my deep gratitude for the excellent work! Everything was done at the highest level: professionally, promptly and on time. I was completely satisfied with the result! Thanks!
Thanks again!
My respect, everything is in form and to the point.The internal consulting staff does an excellent job, starting with making an appointment and ending with the provision of services.
For all new visitors, it is better to prepare in advance, namely to make an appointment in order to preserve your fragile emotional balance.
In general, all the staff are pleasant, but the notes are lame. There is a qualified notary in each office and does all the work himself.: copies documents, types text on a computer, fills out magazines, etc. Although this job can be performed by a secretary without qualifications and legal education. Because of this, queues and low performance. And so all well done and nice girls.