Notary services:ownership for a share in the common property, witnessing signatures, marriage contracts, unilateral contracts, license agreements, inheritance certificates, acceptance of money and securities deposits, executive inscriptions on debt collection and foreclosure of the mortgaged property, transfering application of individual and legal entity to another person or legal person, documents storaging, testimony of copies fidelity, certificates of attorney, inquiry direction to individuals or legal entities, issuance of certificates, certificate of the document presentation time, issuance documents duplicates, issuance extracts from the notary acts registry, issuance documents from the notary archive
Payment method:cash, payment by card, electronic money, bank transfer
I applied to the notary office for a power of attorney, and I needed to do it right day in, day out, I called probably 4 such organizations, everyone has an entry in about a week, and I called here and they tell me of course it is possible on a first-come, first-served basis, there are two people in the queue at the time of the call, I of course gathered and I went, so I didn't have to choose! I came and they tell me that there is a man in front of you, but he fills out the documents, if he does not have time by the time Natarius is released, then you will go, and what was my surprise when after 5 minutes they tell me to go through, the notary is free! The power of attorney took about 40-45 minutes, I needed a power of attorney to sell the apartment, we clarified all the details, where and how to get a mother capital loan for cash, took into account all the nuances that may arise when selling real estate, in general, I stayed long! The notary was slightly gloomy, but we also have bad days! So your smile and kind calm attitude can fix someone's not very good day-you just need to remember this)
In the past, I always applied to this office and always received professionally provided services.
But when my father, an elderly man, decided to write a will for my sister and me, for the first time they could not correctly explain to him that if a will was drawn up in his own hand, then a witness was not needed, and when he came with a written will, the notary dissuaded him from writing a will at all. She said she didn't see the point, because we were the only heirs, and after his death, his property would be divided equally between us.
My father didn't go into much detail and left, an elderly man, since they said there was no point, so why write.
What right did the notary have to make any evaluative judgments about the expediency of writing a will? What guarantees can she give that the legislation in our country will not change or that my father will not get married tomorrow and the situation will change for my sister and me?
In my opinion, this is extremely unprofessional on the part of a notary.
Therefore, I would think three times about contacting this office, where pressure may be exerted on your decisions and those of your loved ones.
Tatiana Khatskevich is the best notary I've ever worked with. This specialist quickly made all the necessary documents, found an individual approach. I also got answers to all my questions. I will also note the notary's assistant separately, they consulted on the phone about the necessary actions and invited me to an appointment when the queue was minimal.
Thanks for the warm conversation!
P.S. the guy with the power of attorney for the bank