Замена клавиатуры любой модели apple macbook pro/air. *Цена зависит от модели ноутбука.
70 Br
Замена матрицы ноутбука*
1 pcs.Если у вас разбит экран, или появились разноцветные полоски, то матрицу необходимо заменить. Экраны отличаются диагональю, разъемом подключения, разрешением, типом поверхности (матовая и глянцевая). *Цена включает запчасти и работы. Цена зависит от
65 Br
Установка операционной системы (windows 7-10)
1 pcs.Установка операционной системы (windows 7-10) со стандартным набором программ (word, exel, антивирус)
Many thanks to the Master for repairing the laptop. Quickly, clearly, and efficiently. My son is delighted! He has a group 2 disability, for him a computer is a connection to the world. Thanks again!
I am very grateful to the master for a high-quality laptop repair. He is 12 years old and I am very pleased that he is back in working condition. Attentive attitude to the client. I will contact you here again, and also recommend it to everyone.
I have been using the service for several months now. All the work was done quickly, the problems were eliminated irrevocably. I will separately note the comfortable service - there is no queue, a polite and friendly master.