In 2009, my husband and I came to this church out of curiosity. Like all people who come for the first time, it was scary, because we were taught that it was possible to join a sect, especially this anti-advertising is popular among the Orthodox and Catholic circles, also blessed and loved by God. But what attracted us to this church was that it wasn't the pastor's beliefs or the parishioners' persuasions that somehow influenced us to stay here, but the fact that peace and joy returned to our souls, and through the prayers of our brothers and sisters, God solved many family issues, and my husband and I became more friendly and closer. God has healed many diseases in this church. People go to the "grandmothers" for healing, and here it's not from grandmothers and devilry, but from the real Lord himself, Jesus Christ. A circle of good close friends appeared, who often provided more help and support than relatives. There is also no need to bow to anyone, everyone is equal to each other, both the pastor and the parishioner. The difference from all churches is that there are no icons or statues to bow to. All theology is purely according to the word of God, without additives and excesses, donations go exclusively to evangelization and the payment of communal services. There is a financial accountability to the members of the church. You can approach a pastor on absolutely any issue, his heart can accommodate any person, walks in holiness, when he prays, demons come out.