Why did you reject my comment??? You're afraid of something, aren't you? Why are people with severe strokes being transported to Orsha from Novolukoml??? After all, every minute is precious to put a person on an IV!!!! It takes 2 hours to get to Orsha, and you also have to go through the emergency room, and by the time a person is taken to the department, it's too late, which happened to my mother, and no matter how old she was, it doesn't change the case!!!! This is the opinion of many residents of Novolukomlya. I am 100% sure that if such a situation had happened to someone from the Novolukoml hospital, he would have been immediately taken to his hospital, and not taken to Orsha!!!! Resident of Minsk Svetlana M.t 8(025) 902-00-67
There is a doctor, from God, God will take it off, and God forbid. There is a human factor (mood,+.-. attitude+.-. and so on.) I have more cons and my friends have the same opinion.