Wars were being torn down, the Bolsheviks were rebuilding, but all the same, the integrity of the ensemble was preserved by the professional residents of Grodno. It is a very integral architectural monument. And the throne room, ceilings, and layout of the palace have been preserved inside. The palace is a large casket, a national treasure of Grodno and, in general, the Republic of Belarus. Two in one, as an art and historical museum is currently located here. An amazing picture of Rogneda, the ancestor of our Gorislavich Family.
Please also pay attention to the paintings by Malevich and Goncharova. How did they not get taken to Moscow in Soviet times? One can only wonder! Real diamonds from any museum! It's great that they are now decorating Grodno!!
Thanks to all the curators and employees of this museum, who faithfully preserve the Culture of our common country for us and the next generations of Russian Belarusians: Belarusians, Ukrainians and Russians. They keep these riches for our children and grandchildren. Low bow!!
Grodno has many interesting, ancient castles, churches, and churches. We managed to visit one of these castles. The guide conducted an amazing tour, the interesting exposition is decorated in the style of past centuries. I recommend it!
The new castle in Grodno is a royal palace, built in 1750. The territory is large and well maintained. The historical and archaeological museum is located inside the castle. The castle itself is located on the banks of the Neman River.