Дарим бесплатную замену масла
При покупке у нас моторного масла LUKOIL или GENESIS объемом не менее 4 литров, вы получаете в подарок замену масла в нашем сервисе NRG при АЗС на Магистральной, 100.
500 ₽
Цены на шиномонтаж
за 4 колеса с мойкой:
Легковые автомобили и малые кроссоверы
R13 - 1700 руб.
R14 - 1900 руб.
R15 - 2020 руб.
R16 - 2100 руб.
R17 - 2240 руб.
R18 - 2400 руб.
Repair sevices:a/c recharging and repair, repair of brake system, oil changes, headlights repair, shock absorber repair, removal of catalysts, spare parts and accessories to order, installing additional equipment, engine endoscopy, repair of the catalyst, groove of the brake discs, repair of power steering, cooling system repair
Brand:chinese cars, korean cars, japanese cars, domestic cars, european cars, passenger car, foreign cars, commercial
Petfriendly:allowed with all animals
Payment method:discount system, cash, payment by card, bank transfer, cashless payment, online, QR code, Fast payment system, payment by credit card