Today I went to the office No. 5 to clean my teeth from tartar - so in the absence of a queue and despite the fact that I came much earlier, they managed to keep me for another fifteen minutes; although during this time I could pay for the service using a coupon.. Moreover, the doctors have been telling me all this time how hard it is for them to work with me and that they even got a backache because of me, because I am tense and afraid - although I did not say a word during the procedure!!!
In my opinion, for such money you can be it is much more polite with patients, especially since the payment was made 100%-but one time and in advance! * By the way, none of the 2 coupons were returned to my hands - and they also complained that they receive only 7% of all services!!!!
I felt humiliated after such a visit, and I'm unlikely to return there again!