the most indifferent grocery store employees I've seen in my life are firing and scolding musshteri officially 5 tl is missing, I wanted to return the 10-pound product, they still want money anyway, I said it happened with dalin, we came to the grocery store with my cousins 2 3 people we silently choose chips the woman says you have no right to remove the customer even if I don't buy, quit, you're an employee there, come to yourself, I didn't cause difficulties at the grocery store, but I also know that scolding employees officially look like they're saying go, 8 o'clock 10 as far as I know, the market it should be opened at 8 o'clock, it will come to half past 8 o'clock, but they opened the grocery store, I'm waiting for the employee to come for 2 hours, I'm telling you, he ignores it, it's not said to be very good in terms of hygiene, 7 out of 10 people who have been eliminated from this store complained