Молочный бельгийский шоколад в сочетании с нежной фисташковой пастой и хрустящей начинкой из катаифи - восхитительное сочетание текстур и вкусов (225 гр.)
Шоколадный корж - изысканная шоколадно-творожная основа с насыщенной начинкой из фисташковой пасты и хрустящего катаифи, покрытая бархатистым ганашом из молочного шоколада (150 гр.)
Everything is generally delicious, we like to go with the family, there is a playground, but the staff makes a remark if the children make noise. I think it's better to make an entrance for the playground From the entrance side, because children's shoes interfere with the passage. Parking is a little difficult.
We visited this place for the first time in January 2025. I really liked it, as they recently opened (probably no more than a year), everything is new and clean. We took lemonade and rolls, all the rolls that were listed on the menu were available. I recommend it with children, as no one smokes hookah and there is no alcohol on sale. A very pleasant impression.