A slop shop. Marginal personalities regularly hang out near the vodka department because they sell on tap underground. The saleswomen are fat grumpy aunts with traces of vice on their faces. Do not take Belyashi! Poison. In winter, granite steps freeze over and become very slippery and dangerous. There was an ascent for the disabled, but it is even more dangerous than the steps, since it does not even have a railing. There is a department with household chemicals and vegetables, it's a nightmare there. The smell of rotten onions and cabbage is perfectly combined with the pungent perfume of a bouquet of detergents and the fumes of homeless people from the vodka department.
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Anonymous review
January 9, 2020
A convenient, cozy place for shopping for things and products of all types, but with one drawback - it is a gathering place for people with alcohol addiction