Telefon sotib olishgacha bo'lgan jarayonlar yaxshi va tekis tarzda o'tdi.
Lekin, texnik yordam va kafolat haqida gap ketganda hech kim ma'suliyatni o'ziga olgisi yo'q. Telegram dagi 1-xabarim doimgidek salom berish bilan boshlanadi, o'sha zahoti javob qaytarildi. Ammo muammo haqida yozganimdan keyin umuman yo'qolib qolindi.
Shuncha PR larga pul sarflaguncha, texnik yordamga o'xshash telefon sotib olingandan keyi nkerak bo'ladigan servislaringizni to'g'rilanglar, iltimos.
excellent store
prices are excellent ( cheaper than maliki )
promotions and gifts are held ( I received a gift box when ordering )
thank you @nodir_openshop for quickly accepting the order and prompt delivery at the time I specified ( 2 hours passed from the first call to receiving the order )