The Orion store is a very good store. excellent service, all sellers are on hand, they will always help and tell you. The assortment is always excellent. So, I wish to keep the brand that way always.
Prices are high, sellers sometimes just include a principled seller, and when a person is really over 20 years old, they require a passport to buy matches. MATCHES!!! I'm not talking about energy drinks, beer, cigarettes, and even more so vodka. But 18-year-olds come, youngsters killed by life, and they sell everything to them.
The store is cool, it takes about 5 minutes to walk. There are many basic food items and even some household items. products. But I remember as a child I was fooled and sold flour for 2 rubles more expensive (then there were thousands), my mother had to go figure it out...
Well, first of all, I did not like the change in the inscription "ORION" the inscription became white and somehow too simple and boring. And I like everything this way