Панорамный снимок зубов (ортопантомограмма или ОТПГ) – рентгеновски й снимок верхней и нижней челюсти. Позволяет детально рассмотреть большинство стоматологических проблем, провести качественную диагностику и назначить лечение.
3000 ₸
КЛКТ , 3 D
Конусно-лучевая компьютерная томография (КЛКТ) — это современный рентгеновский метод исследования, который является разновидностью компьютерной томографии
9000 ₸
Лечение кариеса
24500 ₸
Безопасное домашнее отбеливание
96000 ₸
Художественная реставрация
30000 ₸
Профессиональная чистка
25000 ₸
Установка дентального импланта DIO
Имплантация зубов на сегодняшний день стало одним из самых надежных и безопасных методов восстановления функциональности и эстетики зубного ряда.
Dentist services:surgery, aesthetic dentistry, endodontics, implantology, radiography, orthodontics, maxillofacial surgery, prosthetics, therapy, filling, extractions, teeth whitening, caries treatment, veneers and lumineers, braces, oral hygiene, crowns, treatment of gum disease, root canal treatment, bone grafting, treatment of periodontitis, treatment of tooth cysts, restoration of teeth, gnathology, aligners, laser dentistry, digital dentistry, skyces, repair of dentures
Payment method:prepayment, postpay, cash, payment by card, electronic money, bank transfer, installment, cashless payment, QR code, payment by credit card, making a loan
I would like to express my gratitude to the clinic team!
The implantologist Sahib Kairatovich is a true professional. I removed all his wisdom teeth, and the procedure was just perfect: fast, neat and absolutely painless! Even after the removal, there was no discomfort.
Therapist Rauan Doszhanovich is the best specialist I have ever treated my teeth with. He works very carefully, carefully and attentively. I only trust him because I know that he will do everything at the highest level.
Orthodontist Alexandra Bronislavovna is simply the best in Almaty! I went to a lot of clinics before deciding to install braces with her, and now I absolutely have no regrets! She is not only an orthodontist, but also a gnathologist, which is especially important for those who have jaw problems and joint pain.
Thank you to your clinic for its professionalism, attentive attitude to patients and high level of service!🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻
It is located on Sharipova Street, below Tole bi Street. Dentistry, which has many good reviews. Make an appointment with specialists a week in advance. For a consultation, it's the same. That's why I went to another one and got a consultation and partially a service in another one - right away.