Аябай нараазымын тунку врачтарга, сылык суйлоп ар бири «за осмотр» деп сурай беришет экен акча, хотя чогуу караса да. Врач болуп толук билими жок экен, городская больницага жонотушту эле, ал жактагы врачтар айтты, биз эмес ошолор карайт болчу деп. Билими жок болсо нары бери жоноткондон коро билими жогорусун чакырса болмок. Колунда даже тапшырган анализдин барагы бар эле. Вроде больницаларда илим билими бар адамдар иштеш керек эле го, адамдардын Ден соолугун, ооруну сакайтуучу жер го
A terrible hospital, my sister was tortured for 16 hours instead of being examined, 4 pills were given unnecessary, some kind of Fatima works, instead of examining during the examination, referring to the commission, she gave a pill for miscarriage, although the placenta came out, it turns out, but they still gave pills and then they took money for it, who does anyone control at all, why choose a profession if you don't want to work, normal people came with her who will be able to work and will love their job, just occupies a vacancy.😡😡😡😡
All reviews are bought or those people who work in this maternity hospital
Corruption at the highest level
The grandmothers are rowing with a shovel
If you are a masachist and you love when it hurts you or your loved one, then this is your place
Well, such a place for childbirth (