The rooms suck, the Council of Ministers in the worst sense of the word. Underwear is like sackcloth. The repair was done about 50 years ago. There is no hot water, but you will not be told until you pay. Cold, of such quality, as if soda had been diluted in it. The toilet is something, the bathroom is not washed, the toilet is turned into a washbasin, so the approach is only from the side. I didn't take a photo so as not to scare. In general, if you are in Oshmyany, drive past! I put a star to send, but there are no stars.
Full of trash. It was in February 2023. Outwardly, it's still nothing, an ordinary but neat building. Okay, I'm not picky or spoiled, so I didn't have high expectations. The rooms are of a block type, like in a hostel. Those who were born and raised in the USSR will find out and may cry with a rush of nostalgia. The interiors of the rooms are purely Soviet classics, only very dilapidated and unkempt. Peeling torn wallpaper, a shared toilet in the block, hanging wires and torn sockets hanging on the word of honor. Is there a shower in the room? Forget it. Furniture, curtains from the 80s of the last century. In fairness, I note that the prices for accommodation are adequate and repairs are underway on the 3rd floor, I hope after it the rooms will meet the basic standards of comfort
An ordinary hotel that still remembers dear Leonid Ilyich, which is fully expressed in the interior.
If you are not particularly demanding, then: there is hot water, there is a TV, there is a refrigerator, the service staff ..... it is also there.
It's a terrible place. Repairs have not been done since the construction of the hotel itself. The only thing that's a plus in it is only the price, everything else is a big minus. I do not recommend stopping even for an overnight stay.
It is modest, but cheap and the staff is always very cultured and responsive.
See original · Русский
Level 10 Local Expert
May 26, 2023
I have not seen worse hotels. Not a hotel, but a dormitory of the USSR. If you just spend 1-2 nights, it will do. Everything is old and creaky. Room cleaning could have been better, everything is in a layer of dust, the wallpaper is peeling, the floors are old, the lights are not on everywhere. All that is acceptable is the price and the staff. There was one outlet in the room, a TV (in addition to the bed, a table, a chair (which is scary to sit on), a closet that is scary to open). There is a toilet (wobbly) and a sink in the block. The refrigerator was missing. Therefore, before checking in, it is better to look at the room. It seems to be under repair, but I did not notice it.
Rooms that have not been renovated for a long time, in order to get to the "suite" you need to get through the construction site. The Internet is normal. The room rates are too high. The mounting foam is not plastered in the room after installing the plastic window. There was not enough kettle to heat the water, the doors to the vestibules and rooms were loose, with huge cracks. The refrigerator is shared on the 1st floor. The toilet is poor for 2 rooms, there is no shower at all. The photos on the site do not correspond to reality. Nearby, the hotel rooms are slightly more expensive, but comfortable and fully serviced.
I won't say it's disgusting, but.... The rooms are cheap for the price. Repair - a la sovdep. There is a shower, which is already a plus. A roof over your head is also a plus. That's probably all. For those who have no choice or need it urgently.
The hotel is cheap, but it is also battered to the holes, and you feel more comfortable in hostels. The rooms have been renovated since the Soviet era. There is one shower for all rooms.
As you enter the fae of the hotel, the hotel is modern, high-quality, by the way, the staff are wonderful, but when it rises to the third floor...then modernity is over, as in the USSR they did so and still there is the USSR, then the repair would be very inconvenient
A hotel from the 90s.
A single room with facilities in the hallway is another entertainment.
The room is really clean.
A bed, a table, a TV.
There is no refrigerator.
Very Spartan.