A good place to service a personal car. There is a market service nearby that will allow you to diagnose, find out the cause and eliminate it. Specialists are working. You can also eat not expensive and delicious food or celebrate some holiday.
A clean and bright car shopping center, there are spare parts, accessories and tools, many boutiques are closed, apparently the administration would only pay rent. I had to call and wait 30 minutes for the seller. The dining room is not expensive, the dishes are delicious
Half of the shops, in my opinion, are a little tired , they talk as if you owe them something or turn up your nose at all, it used to be much better, now many sellers are "crowned" ( , and prices have become like everywhere else, it's easier to order on the Internet yourself
The market does not open until 10:00 and at 16:00 it is almost closed, it looks like the guys are making good money. Yes, by the way, many people say-yes, I will bring it from the warehouse now, but he runs to the wholesalers on the 1st or 2nd row and resells it at a high price.
There are a lot of good, high-quality automotive products, especially car accessories.
Payment is possible both in cash and by bank transfer.
Comfortable conditions for both sellers and buyers.