Postal services:migration notices, parcels international, parcel international, internal parcel, postal card internal, postal card international, EMS-internal administration, EMS international departure, letter internal, letters international, letter 1st class, domestic parcels, express parcel, parcel courier, parcel standard, secograms international, secograms internal, reception/delivery of international shipments
Wheelchair accessible:Not available
Financial services:express money transfer "Forsazh", postal orders, insurance services, Western Union money transfers, the acceptance of utility and municipal payments, the payment of pensions, allowances, subsidies and compensations, payments for cellular services, servicing of bank cards, payment of wages on payroll records, acceptance of payments for telecommunication services
Subscriptions, services:air and train tickets, lottery, subscription to newspapers and magazines, copying and duplicating services, money transfers
Отлично работают девчонки, не сравнить с тем трешем, который творится сейчас в Ельдигино и на Правде. Вежливость и профессионализм, был приятно удивлён. Приеду ещё не раз.