Postal services:migration notices, parcels international, parcel international, internal parcel, postal card internal, postal card international, EMS-internal administration, EMS international departure, letter internal, letters international, letter 1st class, domestic parcels, secograms international, secograms internal, reception/delivery of international shipments
Financial services:postal orders, insurance services, Western Union money transfers, the acceptance of utility and municipal payments, the payment of pensions, allowances, subsidies and compensations, payments for cellular services, implementation of insurance policies OSAGO, acceptance of payments for telecommunication services
Telecommunication services:reception, processing, transmission and delivery of telegrams
Subscriptions, services:lottery, subscription to newspapers and magazines, concessionary and travel tickets, money transfers, rent a subscription box
На почте почти всегда очереди, место в помещение мало все толпятся, сотрудников не хватает вот из-за этого очередь, помещение старое требуется ремонт но у нашей почты России как обычно денег нет.