Postal services:migration notices, parcels international, parcel international, internal parcel, postal card internal, postal card international, EMS-internal administration, EMS international departure, letter internal, letters international, letter 1st class, domestic parcels, secograms international, secograms internal
Financial services:postal orders, the acceptance of utility and municipal payments, payments for cellular services, payment of wages on payroll records, acceptance of payments for telecommunication services
Telecommunication services:services community access point
Subscriptions, services:lottery, subscription to newspapers and magazines
Были здесь 30.04.2024 г. Мама, 1953 г.р, уроженка с. Алфёрово (в 3 кг от Тюнино, в данный момент не существует ((((( )
Тюнино оставило приятные впечатления, действующая средняя школа! Это значит село живое!!!! Да будет так 🙏🙏🙏