Personally, this hotel has caused me to associate with the houses of the "new Russians". That is, a complete lack of taste (here it's about the interior first of all) + stupidity from the point of view of exploitation, but it is clear that the owner had money and often he did not spare them. Another attempt to do it in the style of "expensive-rich" (by the way, let's remember the name of the hotel).
For example, a room can have a huge (even excessive area), high ceilings, German plumbing in the bathrooms, and a high-quality mattress on the bed, but at the same time be left with terrible furniture, do not have a ventilation system and stink of cheap plastic, because the window slopes in one place are the cheapest Chinese. There will be no necessities, such as a simple floor dryer, but there will be knight's armor hanging on the walls. The general feeling of the rooms is uncomfortable, even to the point of disgust. But at the same time, I repeat, clean and expensive - that's such a strange combination.
Another advantage is the positive and attentive staff.
According to the price, I think it is too high. It is clear that the hotel is trying to claim luxury, but so far it is a rural business.
Summary - a good designer with an understanding of how to make hotels would help this hotel (what is good in a private house is not always good in a hotel, and vice versa). Then you see, the price would match.