Насколько эффективно и безопасно «ходить» к психологу онлайн? Это, пожалуй, первый вопрос, который не дает людям попробовать дистанционные сессии и вынуждает разрываться между семьей, работой и заботой о себе.
A wonderful center. Bright, spacious. Friendly and helpful administrators. Special thanks to Tatyana Anatolyevna Golets - this is a highly qualified specialist and professional who works with the help of such techniques that precisely get to the heart of the request and help resolve the situation.
Diana Grigoryevna can be a highly qualified specialist. But did you suggest a kindergarten model at the first family consultation? As a result, she offered to put all the relationships in a coffin for 30 years? Maybe at first it was necessary to talk separately with everyone and understand who is who, and then after analyzing the situation to do and offer (or this is based on personal experience, if that's a coffin right away, people are not machines, relationships are immediately scrapped). Instead of "repairing" family relationships, she offered to destroy them. I don't remember which recommendations I gave to which of us, and were there any at all? Personally, as a family psychologist, I did not like it (the session was wasted). Now I am being reproached with your not very pleasant phrases.
Thanks for the oil on the fire.
PS: before you entrust your relationship to an outsider, try it yourself. People say that happiness loves silence, the less they know about it, the stronger it is.
As a family psychologist, I personally do not recommend it to anyone.
I didn't like the way they started dealing with my situation. He complained of reduced performance. I was asked about what was going on, passed a couple of 10-question tests, and was prescribed brintelix and fluanxol. A noticeable result was promised within a month, for a month and a half of taking these pills, my condition only worsened. My performance dropped even more, I was constantly sleepy, no matter how much I slept, I fell down even more broken than I was before the pills.
The second consultation did not take ten minutes: "Well, if this is the reaction, then stop drinking fluanxol. Do you have any other questions? No. The pills need time to start working, if there are no questions, you can go."
A month and a half of taking pills, they make me feel worse. When I called and said that these pills make me even worse - I feel sleepy, have less strength, I can't think of anything, they told me, "well, you need to come to another paid consultation." As a result, I canceled my reservation for the next consultation and got off these pills. I returned to the condition before taking the pills, which is better than when taking the pills.
Minus 300 rubles for pills and consultations and plus problems at work against the background of an even stronger decrease in efficiency when taking the pills prescribed to me👍