A small amusement park in the "upper" part of Kutaisi is also interesting by the cable car (its upper platform is located in the park, the lower one is at the White Bridge). By the way, it starts working every day at 12 o'clock. The ticket for local residents is 1 GEL, for visitors - 3.
An excellent Soviet amusement park. The easiest way to get there and leave is by cable car with magnificent views of Rioni. I really liked the open Ferris wheel
I liked the cable car the most. Price tag: for locals 1 GEL in 1 direction; for foreigners - 3 GEL in one direction.
Funny carousels with horses for the whole family.
Nice Eiffel Tower. Ferris wheel. Chain carousel. The circuit. Hali-gali!)))
In general, all old-school attractions. If you want to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of childhood and / or explore the city - you are here.