Данный тц маленький без этажей половина тц green. Нет ничего особенного говорят самый большой тц в городе если этот тц большой для людей не представляю какой для них маленький.
Only one floor not big shopping mall at all almost half shopping mall is green market another half nothing special. We will never go again. waste of time 15 minutes you can walk every shop and check everything. People in comments says this is biggest shopping mall in city but i swear this shopping mall the smallest not big at all.
Park City is a large shopping center where you can get lost, it has everything you need for people of any age. A very good Green department, where there is a huge assortment of goods, where you can buy finished products, by the way, everything is very tasty and fresh. The service is top-notch, clean and tidy, which is also nice. I recommend visiting this wonderful center to all those who have not been there yet. An entertainment center where both adults and children can relax. There are a lot of interesting things to say about Park City, come and see for yourself. 👍👍👍
A very good shopping center has a place to roam. I come here all the time, a huge selection of clothes and accessories from little-known companies to branded ones, there is a place to have a tasty snack, and a huge grocery store (Euroopt). I definitely recommend it!!!