Установка алюминиевых рам из профильной системы Provedal. Брест и Брестская область. Остекление балконов и лоджий под ключ. Бесплатные замер и доставка.
348 Br
Установка ламинированных окон Rehau Grazio в загородный дом
Остекление частного дома. Цены указаны "от". Стоимость установки окон уточняйте у менеджеров компании "Патриот Строй"
1000 Br
Окна REHAU от дилера. Низкие цены. Гарантия 5 лет.
Дилер Rehau. Все виды профильных систем. Низкие цены. Немецкое качество. Рассрочка и кредит. https://patriotstroy.by/product/okna-iz-profilya-rehau/
82 Br
Остекление террасы
Стоимость указана "от" в BYN. Уточняйте у менеджера цену. Зависит от материала и размеров изделия.
500 Br
Остекление коттеджа в Пружанах
Стоимость указана "от" в BYN. Уточняйте у менеджера цену. Зависит от материала и размеров изделия. Подробнее о проекте https://patriotstroy.by/projects/osteklenie-domov-i-kottedzhey/osteklenie-chastnogo-doma/
After a long study of the window market, I decided on Patriot Stroy. According to the ratio of price and quality of windows. The staff from managers to installers is very pleasant to communicate and work with. The quality of the windows was very pleasing. The work was carried out promptly. The hand of professionals in the installation is felt. If there are any minor flaws, check and do not hesitate to tell the installers. They will eliminate everything and tell you everything. I was pleased with the beautiful pens as a gift . It is very pleasant to use windows with them. If you want high-quality windows for an adequate price, go to Patriot Stroy.
We chose this company to install Windows in the apartment! Polite staff, the girl calculated everything, explained, told! At our request, the windows were removed in the shortest possible time, installed qualitatively, the price is also excellent! I advise everyone!
Thank you for solving the issue that other companies could not solve. You have created the warmth and beauty of our home! Special thanks to Anastasia's manager.