Very disappointed in this store! Yes, there is a lot of choice there, and prices may even be lower than in other stores, but all this is due to the fact that most likely their equipment is gray. I bought a laptop from them half a year ago for a very considerable sum of 16.5 million and everything was fine, I used and performed my projects on it until one day I had what I will describe now. The laptop is always used on a stand, I take it with me very rarely. I always use the equipment carefully and correctly. A second monitor and an additional keyboard and mouse are always connected to the laptop for ease of use, as it is easier to work this way. And at one point, the laptop screen itself stopped showing and the laptop's own keyboard turned off, the picture switched only to the second monitor and only the connected peripheral worked, respectively, it was possible to turn it off manually, which I did. I turned off the laptop via the start menu and decided to turn it on again, but the laptop no longer turned on. I immediately wrote to the store because the laptop still had a valid warranty. He explained the situation, and the store asked him to bring him to them. So I brought the laptop to them, they took it away, they said they would give it to a specialized HP center with which they work and write how they would find out the reason, I naively believed them, left the laptop and left (they certainly did not give any invoice or any documents stating that the laptop was accepted). After some time, they wrote and said that they did not find out exactly the problem, but there is a possibility that it is a processor, and the repair will not be under warranty, since the operation of yakaba was incorrect, and they also added that it may be a possible power controller and repair replacement of the controller will cost $ 200. That is, they did not find out the exact reason, they say for sure, but they already name the exact amount. I remind you that I turned off the computer on my own and the processor can't be here a priori, when I explained this to them, they immediately started switching to other possible problems, saying that this is the hdmi output, I explain to them again that this can't be either, since it was the same one that worked for me otherwise 2 monitor I wouldn't have shown it through the start menu, and I wouldn't have manually turned it off. And the power controller also wouldn't let me do it manually, besides, everything was fine with the power supply. As a result, I write to them asking them to come so that they would show me on the spot what the reason is, so to speak clearly, to which they refused me and said that they would not let me go there and this service only works with the store. I didn't do any repairs at their place and took the laptop away. After that, I took him a really specialized HP cent that the HP program showed me. It's the only one we have on karasu, it's called Nuron service. They immediately punched through the laptop by serial number and informed me that it was an American-made laptop and the warranty did not apply to our country, meaning it was imported unofficially. This is still half the story, the most interesting and the worst began after. I left the laptop on a non-mount anyway, even though it would have cost me money, since I need it for work. The guys from this service are very responsive and really experts. When they opened my laptop, they immediately asked who had opened it before them, to which I informed them that it was a PC Shop, that is, where I bought it. As it turned out, the master did not open it very carefully and spread the liquid metal from the processor all over the board in small fractions, and liquid metal tends to oxidize after a couple of hours when it comes into contact with materials such as aluminum, since this is a board, all soldering is aluminum. I was informed that there might be a replacement fee, and advised to contact the place where it was opened so that they, as well-meaning people, would either replace the fee at their own expense or change the laptop. I wrote to the PC Shop complaining about the problem, to which they replied that there was no liquid metal from the factory (an hp omen 16 laptop from 2023 and there was liquid metal from the factory!) and they refused to take the blame, and moreover, they started slandering the service I contacted, in the end it got to the point that they told me that I could go to court and we would sort it out there.
In the Nuron service, they washed it off from the liquid crystal and fixed the initial problem, which turned out to be pain from the cable, which shortened and thereby closed the cable of the screen and keyboard. And it's not a processor or a power controller or an hdmi output. The repair cost 1.6 million, and now the laptop is working fine. But the frustrating thing is that the people in the PC Shop are not conscientious. Moreover, they did not do it under warranty, and moreover, they wanted to deceive me with a breakdown and charge me for repairs, and they almost ruined my laptop to the point of unusability. Because of them, I had to do such expensive repairs.
Therefore, I highly do not recommend this store, and if you still bought something from them, check the serial numbers of the goods and if you leave something for repair under warranty, always take a document from them about it so that, as in my case, they do not get away with it! I am very disappointed in this store and now I will try to dissuade everyone from buying anything in this store!!!